Hydrogeosite Experimental Field (CSH)

The Hydrogeosite Experimental Field (CSH) is located in the municipality of Marsico Nuovo (PZ) in Val D’Agri and was built in 2006 for hydrogeophysical experiments involving electrical and electromagnetic methods (MIUR 2003 funding for the development of Research Infrastructures in Southern Italy). 

Numerous research activities are being carried out in collaboration with research institutions and universities in the framework of regional, national, and international projects.  Additionally, collaborative activities are conducted with the industrial sector through contracts and industrial research projects in the field of geophysics applied to environmental monitoring. 

The CSH offers the opportunity to conduct experiments at nearly real scale in the hydrogeophysical and hydrogeological fields. It allows reproducing multi-scale “analogous” systems in controlled conditions in the environmental, engineering, archaeological, and georesources exploitation fields. Furthermore, the facility allows the installation of various sensors for monitoring geophysical and hydrogeological parameters, the implementation of unconventional geophysical investigation methodologies, the development of dynamic-type analyses (3D and 4D) and methodologies for integrating multi-sensor geophysical and hydrogeological data. 

The CSH consists of: 

  • A laboratory with an area of 300 square meters, inside which there is a large pool measuring 12 m x 7 m x 3 m, allowing hydrogeophysical experiments at an intermediate scale between laboratory and in-situ investigation. The pool is equipped with a ring recharge system and 15 evenly distributed piezometers, as well as a complex system of horizontal sampling at various depth levels. Through this system it is possible to manage and monitor the water table level with high precision, allowing the simulation and analysis of a wide range of hydrogeological phenomena. Finally, the laboratory is equipped with smaller tanks that enable the execution of controlled tests on a reduced scale. 
  • An external test field with an area of approximately 800 square meters. It is designed to perform geophysical tests on a real scale for applications in environmental and cultural heritage fields, thanks to the presence of buried targets at various depths of different geometries and materials. Additionally, there are reinforced concrete buildings of various scales for non-invasive diagnostic tests in the engineering field.